Humanity the Beautiful
Since mid March I have seen many beautiful things and many very ugly things. It has been joyous and it has been sad. Opposition in all things, right? Opposition is good, if there was no opposition we would not know much would we? We would know little about love and hate, happiness and sadness, pain and pleasure, virtue and vice, good and evil and freedom and bondage. I'm not sure about you, but I have learned a great deal about freedom and bondage over the last month. I believe there are two types of people in this world ones that can learn from the mistakes of others and those that have to learn for themselves. Some people can look at others and say "I do not want to go through that" so they avoid choices that will lead them down a particular path. Some people just have to experience the hardship in order to learn the lesson. These people often times do this unknowingly or they somehow think " I won't make that mistake because som...