God Shed His Grace on Thee
This past Independence Day was typical for me......I worked! It takes some mental preparation to work several days in a row, waking up by 4:30am in the morning, and anticipating the crazy fireworks that will fill the sky above my house and fill my ears with booming sound! Then I have to wake up....again at 4:30am the next day to go to work. "Well, at least it's not as bad as 3 and 4 years ago when the fireworks did not stop till 3am", I think, gratefully! People must have called the city complaining about the ridiculous over-kill of fireworks in our area. So this past July 4th I enjoyed some fireworks......that's right........if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! I do that some years! I figure, if I can't sleep I might as well try to enjoy it instead of lay irritated in my bed. I really don't enjoy fireworks so much. I feel like I've seen many fireworks shows and they are all very similar. This year as I watched I thought very...