
Showing posts from February, 2024

In My Dreams

 " The subconscious is always more ready to present the truth than our conscious mind is "-Layne Dalfen After listening to an interview with Layne Dalfen about decoding dreams, I decided to further research the subject.  I listened to her book.  As I listened, I started analyzing a dream I recently had and delved deep into the way I've been feeling lately.  In her interview and book she talks about how the feeling in the dream somehow relates to our feeling in real life.   She says " take that feeling and run with it ".  I like to sum it up by saying Follow the Feeling!  She describes how dreams are our subconscious trying to get our attention!  She talks about how a dream is a type of interview between the conscious and subconscious and how both work simultaneously to make connections and solve problems!  I like that!  Through dreaming our subconscious is trying to piece together a puzzle for us to help us solve a problem. Our subc...