For the Love

As a kid I wanted to be a professional singer, then an author, then a doctor, then a lawyer, then a veterinarian, then a teacher, then a doctor again, and then I discovered I was destined for the lab. Of all the many things I've dreamed about being, there is one thing that would truly be a dream to me! I would love to be a professional gift giver! Is that even a thing? Other than Santa, probably not. A love of gift giving is one thing that has always stayed consistent about me. I just love to give gifts; it is the love language that I speak to others. Gift giving is fun and exciting for me! I love to find out information about people and then try to think up the perfect gift for them. I don't mean just the usual gift cards, or something anyone could get the person. Unless a certain type of gift card is the perfect gift, then I usually stay away from that. Let's be honest though, sometimes gift cards or money i...