Mind Matters

"To have something you've never had before, you must be willing to do something you've never done before." -Thomas Jefferson A powerful statement! Life has taken me in directions I never thought it would. I have done things I never thought or dreamed I would do, and still, I feel like my life is pretty dull, haha! It seems that no matter what I do or what happens to me there is a profound lesson to be learned! Therein lies the excitement to my life, in the lesson! For a time I thought I would be a doctor. I love biological sciences, especially human sciences. Well, that is not what became of me. I saw many doctors growing up. I have always had a close, yet odd relationship with a dentist. Every time I go to a new dentist and they take a peek at my x-rays, they express their hope that I have good insurance, haha! I was very sick as a child, I mean more so than average. Even in the...