
Showing posts from January, 2020

There is always HOPE

There is always HOPE, that was my mantra for awhile during my college years.  HOPE stands for Hear Our Praise Extend.  It was an audition choir group at Southern Utah University Institute of Religion.  There were other choirs that were not audition groups and anyone and everyone was welcome whether you could sing or not!  You did not have to be a member of the church to be in HOPE, but had to be living your life in such a way that you could get a temple recommend.  This group did many religious and non religious performances.  It was a show choir which meant singing and dancing!  One semester I decided I wanted to be in this group and got up the courage to try out.  I made it!  It was a great experience and I loved it!  It provided me with great strength and an outlet during a time in my life when I truly needed it!  Clearly you did not have to be the best singer to get in, but it was competitive so you did have to show some talen...