
Showing posts from March, 2020

A Prepper's Guide to the Apocalypse

You might be a Prepper if.......... You have enough bags of rice and beans to make a makeshift bed for a guest.😁 You keep every plastic container, plastic bag, and rubber band you come across.😕 You wash disposable dishes.😒 You have a book called Herbal Drugstore and you know what herbs to plant in your yard to treat sickness.  "Don't forget the medicine of your ancestors".  I heard this on the radio recently, not bad advice.🌿 You learn all you can about essential oils.🍶 You know what vitamins are present in which foods and you have ample supply of those.🍎 You think about the way you use toilet paper.....Are you a crumpler or a folder!  No joking, when the toilet paper shortage hit I walked through the door and my husband said, "you might have to become a folder, hahahaha!"💩😮😂 You enjoy cooking classes that show you how to prepare your food storage food (Freeze dried and dehydrated foods).🍔 You know what freeze dried and dehydrated foo...

The Paths of Choice

I have recently been inspired to write about choices and perhaps why we make the choices that we do.  Often times I have pondered on why the same question can be prayed about by multiple people and each person can receive a different answer.  I do believe there are some things that are black and white, but there are many that are not.  Maybe it depends on our own personal beliefs, maybe our sincerity in asking and seeking the answer, or maybe it is our level of knowledge and understanding.  There is always a good, better and best option, but in order to choose the best option we must work our way up and gain more knowledge and perspective.  Heavenly Father is the master teacher and He does work in mysterious ways.  Sometimes we might think that the best option is obvious because we are following the council of the prophet or common practices in the church, but sometimes the best option is more complicated than that.  There is truth in the statement "...