A Prepper's Guide to the Apocalypse
You might be a Prepper if.......... You have enough bags of rice and beans to make a makeshift bed for a guest.😁 You keep every plastic container, plastic bag, and rubber band you come across.😕 You wash disposable dishes.😒 You have a book called Herbal Drugstore and you know what herbs to plant in your yard to treat sickness. "Don't forget the medicine of your ancestors". I heard this on the radio recently, not bad advice.🌿 You learn all you can about essential oils.🍶 You know what vitamins are present in which foods and you have ample supply of those.🍎 You think about the way you use toilet paper.....Are you a crumpler or a folder! No joking, when the toilet paper shortage hit I walked through the door and my husband said, "you might have to become a folder, hahahaha!"💩😮😂 You enjoy cooking classes that show you how to prepare your food storage food (Freeze dried and dehydrated foods).🍔 You know what freeze dried and dehydrated foo...