"Let Not Thy Heart Be Troubled"
I have taken a little break from writing because as you all probably know and feel, the world crumbling around us as of late. I have had many emotions, frustrations and even anger! I have had a very difficult time processing everything that has been said, done and everything that has been going on. I have dealt with my own personal losses and have been trying to dig my way out of this very deep, dark hole I have been thrust in, that we have all been thrust in. Just like the moon peers through the dark night or the clouds split allowing light to flood through, I too have felt a flooding in of Christ's light and love. I have seen a lighthouse directing my storm driven path. Even the storm driven path, no matter how uncertain, can be guided by light. After three and a half years of healing from the many anxieties and even personal issues I have had with health care providers, doctors, child birth, etc, getting my body to a healthy place, being able to fi...