Super Moms
Ever felt like your life didn't turn out as expected? Of course, that's probably all of us to some extent! Am I right? Why does it feel like my life is always going against the grain, I'm always swimming against the current.......?! Maybe we all feel like we are swimming upstream. Well, before I get into it, I want to first state, at the risk of sounding narcissistic, that this blog is about me! It is somewhat of a journal that creates a kind of self-help for me, and maybe.....hopefully, others too. I'm not here to criticize anyone. Your choices are yours and you have your reasons and it's none of my business! With that said I also hope that no one will take anything I say here the wrong way. These are just my thoughts for me and are not meant to criticize or judge anyone else. This whole blog is to talk about my life's journey, so much of what I say might only apply to me. A few years ago, I was Gung-ho about...