The Conversion

 "Let me just tell you a little about the devil first, so that you've got a clear picture in your mind of what we are praying against.  First of all the Bible does not paint him as a horned creature with horns and a forked tail.  That's the sort of thing that makes us laugh at him, take him less than seriously.  See, the Bible says he is a real person.  The Bible never calls the devil it, always he.  Next the Bible says that he has a heart and a mind and a will, and if a heart and a mind and a will don't make a personality, I don't know what does.  It talks about the devil's feelings, talks about his thoughts, and it talks about his motives, and that means to me, a person.  So the devil is not just a kind of vague word to sum up all forces of evil in the world.  No, he is a person in his own right and if there were no human beings at all, Satan would still exist.  

Now Jesus himself took Satan desperately seriously, He never made a joke about him, he never laughed at him, he never caricatured him.  Here are some of the titles that Jesus gave Satan.  He said he is the prince of this world.  When Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, Jesus did not say 'they are  not yours to give', because He knew perfectly well they were Satan's to give.  It is a horrible thought if you really realize it that the world in which we live is ruled over by Satan.  He is the prince of this world, but lets take a step further.  Did you know another title Jesus gave to Satan, He said he is not only the ruler or prince of this world, he is the god of this world.  The only other person besides His Heavenly Father to whom Jesus ever applied the word god, was Satan.  He said my Heavenly Father is God of everything, but of this world Satan is god.  Which means very simply, not only that Satan controls this world and is able to manipulate science, and education, and politics for his own ends, more than that Satan is actually the real god whom most people on earth worship.  Whether they know it or not.  That behind so much religion, behind so much activity, Satan is the one who's being worshiped.   He's the person, and even by some who go to church and chapel on Sunday, in reality he's their god.   For they worship the things that he offers them.  They want the things of the world that he belongs to and rules over, rather than setting their mind on the things that are above, where Jesus is.  If you want this world, and if you want the things of this world, then I give you a piece of advice, make Satan your god.  If you want this world, he is a wonderful god to have because he'll give it to you.  There's always a price to pay, when the bill comes in you might not be so happy, but he'll give it to you.  He can give you money, he can give you fame, he can give you anything you want........because it's his to give.  

'Where have you been Satan', says God in the book of Job.  'Well I've been patrolling the earth, I've been looking around my estate', and he had.  Now let's get this clear, that doesn't mean that God is helpless in this world.  It does mean, and we've got to think this through, that God is allowing Satan to be prince of this world, and god of this world, He has allowed it.  People say 'what does God think He's doing allowing that?'  Well, I would just say my only answer to that one is, what 's He doing allowing you to be like you are?  Why should you blame Him for allowing Satan to rebel, when He allowed you to?  The answer is very simply, He is a Father and He will not force any of His creatures to go His way.  He gives you freedom to rebel.  We can't grumble about Him giving the angels freedom, though they have superior intelligence and strength, because He gave us the same freedom and we've used it in the wrong way.  

Do you know there are two books in the Bible that the devil hates more than any other two books in the Bible, out of all sixty six, there are two that say more about him than any others and it's these that he's attacked more than any other.  They are the one at the beginning and the one at the end, Genesis and Revelation.  You know why he hates them?  Genesis describes his devices and Revelation describes his doom.  He hates those two books!  And there has been more scholarly attack on the book of Genesis than any other book, and more attempt to turn it into myth and legend, and away from fact than any other book in the Bible.  Why?  Because Satan doesn't want you to believe that Genesis three ever happened. He doesn't want you to know how he got hold of Eve.  He doesn't want you to believe that he said what he did to that first married couple.  He attacks the book of Genesis.  The other book he hates more than any other is the book of Revelation because as you read through that book you come to a point where it says that the devil himself will be cast into the lake of fire.  

Do you know that Jesus told us to pray everyday about the devil?  Did you know that?  The original prayer that He taught His disciples when they said 'Lord teach us to pray'.  He said pray like this, say 'Dad in heaven', then pray for the things He wants, His name, His will, His kingdom.  Then He said pray for the things you need, you need food, you need forgiveness.  Then He said 'finish by praying this, deliver us from the evil one.'  We've turned evil into a thing in our thinking, it's not a thing, it's a person.  There's no evil anywhere in the universe apart from persons. Evil is an intensely personal thing.  There's no love in the universe apart from persons who love.  So evil is personal.  Jesus said 'pray daily, deliver us from the evil one!' Start your prayer by thinking of your Dad in heaven, but end your prayer by thinking of the devil on earth, and go out to face him!"

 -Speech about Satan, source unknown

When the topic of religion comes up we don't usually first speak of Satan, but of God or Jesus Christ.  When I heard this speech, I could not stop thinking about it and how true it is.  I also thought of Paul Harvey's speech "If I were the devil" .  Yes, if I were the devil I would attack the family, I would make all truth into myth.  I would confuse and deceive all of God's children according to their weakness.  I would play to their selfish desires.  I would get them to worship one of God's creations instead of him.  I would attack the human body until it was weak unto death.......or maybe even replace it with inventions of man that I inspire.  I would erase morality.  I would use anything of the world to replace religion and government, the earth, stones, witchcraft, empowerment, perhaps to name a few.  I would try to bring the children of God down to the level of my demon followers.   I would erase the divinity status of the title "child of God".  I would get them to believe they are 1st a child of the world, of the earth, that the earth gave them life.  I would use science to threaten religion and offer an ultimatum that only one can stand.  I would distort the origin of man, and yes make the books of holy scripture outdated and irrelevant......nothing more than myths.  I would destroy the inalienable God given rights and make in its place government to be their God.  I would convince the religious that they are extremists and mentally ill.  I would cause contention and chaos wherever I go because those are mine.  I would get people to hate others, hate themselves, and to persecute.   I would ultimately take away the ability to choose.  Just as I know God is real, I too know Satan is real.

You can agree or disagree, but that is a little of what I see in the world today.  It does feel like Satan is hard at work and it sometimes feels like he is winning.  There is still so much good out there though! Take heart, for the darkness hates the light.  Despite all of that negativity, there are lights, beacons in the world standing for God like lighthouses for His children!  Surrounded in a sea of trials, negativity, deceit, chaos, and contention, God speaks through the Holy Ghost to us, by a still small voice, who testifies of truth.  Can we hear it?  Do we get distracted?  Is the world too loud?  

Am I personally converted 100% to the gospel of Jesus Christ, to God?  That is a question!  I would have to say no, if I'm being honest.  I still go by faith.  I have not had a sure tangible witness, I have not seen God himself.  Sometimes when we think of conversion we think of visions and big events that we cannot deny.  The idea of faith is lost on many, it's a hard concept to grasp.  It can be dismissed as fake or an empty hope, wishful thinking, a pipe dream, or just a silly fairy tale lacking any substance.  However, by small and simple things are great things brought to pass!  God can make small simple things great!  

In my years, I've noticed that often times, God's presence in my life is quite simple, even small at times.  My conversion is ongoing and is built on a foundation of the small and simple.  Wouldn't it be grand if we could all have experiences like Old Testament prophets?  Big and great events happen by the power God? Maybe, but then maybe we don't need that, maybe we just need God's power in it's simplest forms, and maybe that brings about greater faith!  

My 6 year old son and I have had some interesting conversations......about faith, religion, and God.  His faith as a 6 year old child sometimes amazes and astounds me.  I have these conversations with my 8 year old daughter at times, but I've noticed that she sees and feels things differently than my son.  She too amazes me when I hear her tell her friends about Jesus.  One day my son was asking about resurrection.  The following conversation took place on our drive to dance class.


"Mom, will you still get resurrected if something eats you?"




"Well, how can you get resurrected if something turns your body into crumbs?"😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Well, I'm not sure exactly how it will happen, but God will somehow cause the elements to come back together to reform your body."


"Will you still get resurrected if a shark eats you? How will your body get out of the shark's belly?"


Similar answer as before 


"Mom do angels have power?"


" I think so, they use the same priesthood power we have on earth." More discussion on this ensued.......


"You know what happens when you are really good Mom? You see angels!"😇


"Yep, you're right!"


"Mom, you know how long I'm gonna be good for?

25 days.......and forever.........cause I want to see the angels!!!" 😇😇😇😇😇😇


"That's an awesome goal Myles! I hope you see angels someday!"

I think perhaps a little conversion took place that day.  Little by little, this is how faith builds and belief or conversion happens.  I do consider one moment in my life that was great for me and that was when I knew the Book of Mormon to be ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST AND ALSO THE WORD OF GOD.  I came to know Jesus Christ not only through the Bible, but also through the Book of Mormon.  

Upon being asked, as a teenager, "If your house was on fire and you had only moment to grab something what would you take?" Or "If you could only have 3 items with you on a deserted island, what would they be?" I remember answering, "my scriptures!" Sometimes I was not sure why I said that. The scriptures were always hard for me to read and I did not always understand them well. When I thought more thoroughly on my answer, I realized why I said it. I knew they always brought me peace even when much of it was beyond my understanding.  

When challenged by my seminary teacher to read the Book of Mormon in ONE month, I was overcome with the sense that this was way beyond my ability of accomplishment. I would have to read about 15 pages per night, maybe it was more. I was a good reader, but very slow. I could not read fast like some of my other friends, it was something I was always very self conscious about. I made up my mind to not do it because it was impossible! That was it, impossible! I was about 16 years old. I had read the Book of Mormon 1 other time, but I did it in a years time and honestly I felt I did not really get much out of it. My seminary teacher convinced me to make an effort and try and he promised me it would change my life! 

As I tried, it was very hard for me. As I read the 15 pages the 1st night it was very time consuming, it took me about 3 hours partly because I was slow, but partly because I found myself rereading so much to try to understand what was happening in this book. I was going to give up, there was no way I could spend 3 hours every night for a month and keep up on my other homework and studying. Grades dropping because of reading the Book of Mormon, wouldn't that be something, I thought! For some reason I felt compelled to keep trying, maybe it was pride, not wanting to be known in my own mind as a quitter, or maybe I felt a little light, or peace from that first night even though I felt confused and exhausted and maybe that I had wasted 3 hours of my life I couldn't get back, haha!  

As I kept spending the time every night, I noticed time was more organized, I was getting more studying, homework and other things accomplished than I thought I could. My reading skills were improving, I was reading faster with every appointment I had with the Book of Mormon! Lots of things were happening that I did not expect.  

The best part.......I was having a very visual experience with the Book of Mormon. As I kept reading, things became clearer and clearer to me, I was understanding more than I ever had before. The stories played out in front of me like I was in a movie theater, I could see everything! Better yet there were nights when I felt as if I were there in the story, part of the story and I was given a gift. The Lord allowed me to empathize with the people of these stories and I would be overwhelmed with emotion to the point of tears by the time I was done. That is a pretty amazing gift to receive at 16yrs old. A couple of the stories that were particularly moving to me were Abinadi, Alma and Amulek in Ammonihah, and King Lamoni. Even now when I read these stories I can still feel what I felt during that one month excursion that changed my life! I remember some war chapters being a little muddled for me still, but the book spoke to me, the Savior spoke to me through that book! By the end the 3 hours of reading had turned into one hour. The Lord can truly make our weaknesses our strengths. Ever since then I feel that reading has become one of my strengths. 

 After completing the challenge I took Moroni's challenge to pray to know if it was true, I did, and I received my answer. I have received continual confirmation of that answer many times since then!

Change my life it did!! I became a better person, a better reader, more dedicated to God's purpose for me. As I dedicated much time in college to learning and studying the gospel I did receive help in my school work! I was in institute choirs, graduated from institute twice in 5 years, read the Book of Mormon everyday, and attended the St George temple once per week. As I did this while juggling multiple jobs and full time school loads I found I received much help from the divine. As I would study for hours on end sometimes, my biology and chemistry notes just didn't feel like they were sinking in. Interestingly at night, though, when I went to sleep my biology notes, slides, and diagrams would play across my mind in the form of a dream. I would remember these dreams and they would play across my mind during tests, almost like I had a photographic memory. The time I spent in the gospel learning never took away from the secular, but only enhanced it and I credit much of my success to the divine guidance I received as a blessing for doing as God would have me do! My seminary teacher was right, it did change my life and it will only continue to change my life as I read and re read it! I believe my experience was very personalized by my Heavenly Father. He gave me exactly what I needed in order to understand His gospel and my own heart. I love this book, it is my favorite book and I would never want to be without it! I know it is true!

I hope that you too can find your conversion moments and also rely on faith through it all. What's your conversion story?  I challenge you to think about it, write it downand share it!  What brings you to Christ? 

Here's a song that has really impacted me lately!


In The Name of Jesus

I speak the name of Jesus over youIn your hurting, in your sorrowI will ask my God to moveI speak the name 'cause it's all that I can doIn desperation, I'll seek HeavenAnd pray this for you
I pray for your healingThat circumstances would changeI pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus nameI pray that a breakthrough would happen todayI pray miracles over your life in Jesus name, in Jesus name
I speak the name of all authorityDeclaring blessings, every promiseHe is faithful to keepI speak the name no grave could ever holdHe is greater, He is strongerHe's the God of possible
I pray for your healingThat circumstances would changeI pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus nameI pray that a breakthrough would happen todayI pray miracles over your life in Jesus nameIn Jesus name
Come believe itCome receive itOh, the power of His Spirit is now forever yoursCome believe itCome receive itIn the mighty name of Jesus, all things are possible
I pray for your healingThat circumstances will changeI pray that the fear inside will flee in Jesus nameI pray that a breakthroughWould happen todayI pray miracles over your life in Jesus nameI pray for revivalFor restoration of faithI pray that the dead will come alive in Jesus nameIn Jesus name
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Jeff Pardo / Ethan Hulse / David Andrew Spencer / Katy Nichole



  1. I would add Isaiah 14 to Genesis and Revelation but those are extremely accurate observations. I never picked up on that exactly. Revelations is where Hell has his last chance.

  2. Thank you for your comment! I will admit I have not been so good at keeping up with comments since I have not had many comments. This has been a small project so far.


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