The ability to feel is a gift.....a miracle really. To feel the whole spectrum of emotions can be amazing, euphoric, and overwhelming. Emotion is something that can be hard for us to get a handle on. A few weeks ago in a Sunday School class we were discussing stones. Stones we carry. We all have things we hold on to, things that happen to us and things that just are. Our emotions can be stones, trials, challenges, judgement, decisions, mistakes, sins, and pains can be stones. We always carry these with us. Stones often times get a bad rap. Stoning was a horrific way to die. We carry stones that weigh us down, they drag us down, they slow us down, and make us weak. Carrying these stones is hard and we just can't do it sometimes. Stones crush, stones harm, stones can be so awful! As this discussion ensued, a wonderful woman spoke up about how she couldn't stop thinking about marble and how it's made. ...