
Showing posts from July, 2019

Memory of a Comet

I was born on the 329th birthday of famous astronomer Edmund Halley, in the year of Halley's comet, to an astronomer!  This is how I got my name.  People always said I came for my Father!  Was it all a coincidence, or did I know my father before coming to the earth?  What part did agency play in my coming to my family when I did?  It is an interesting question for sure and I cannot deny the unique connection I have always felt with my father. With the recent anniversary of the moon landing, I have been in deep thought about why I believe it happened.  Those deep thoughts all spiraled down to one person, my Dad!  I have been thinking about all of the things I love because of him.  I love breakfast because of him.  We frequented a local diner on the weekends for breakfast often and when we didn't my mom always made amazing and sometimes elaborate breakfasts!  I love the outdoors because of my dad!  We spent much of our time ou...

It's all about the money?

Finish this sentence: I will be happier when.............?  We all might fill in the blank with something like "when I make more money", "when I have a better job", "when I have a bigger house", "when I have less stress", or "when my debts are paid off".  We work so hard so that we can play hard!  We love to dream about that boat we want or the trips we want to take, or all of the other things we think would be nice to have.  Money, or rather purchasing power, is a huge part of our lives, whether it is to our detriment or our advantage. According to many studies the ideal amount of income for someone to attain happiness is $75,000 per year. Apparently someone who makes over $100,000 per year is not any happier than someone who makes less than $100,000 per year as long as they make the $75,000 per year.  People who make more money don't necessarily spend more time in leisure activities, sometimes it is the opposite. Maybe it depe...

Pay Back

As a young child I was always the gullible naive one in my family.  My sister was the wheeler-and-dealer.  She was a penny pincher, and I don't mean that lightly.  She could "sell ice cubes to an eskimo"!  She was a hoarder and a stasher of gum, candy, time and of course, money.  You could literally hear the pennies scream for their lives when she pinched them!  When I would ask if I could have some of her chips, she would take one chip and smash it and then put the crumbs in my hand saying "okay, here's some!" When her son did the same thing to her without coersion, you bet I laughed uncontrollably and told her how much she deserved it! Kids truly are life's way of Pay Back!  Haha! When I would ask if I could have some gum, she might give me one fourth of a stick.  We used to take turns doing the dishes as kids and we would each have two nights of the week to do them.  Megan would con me into doing hers for maybe ten cents, or something....

A Feminine Feminist

I have always had trouble feeling feminine!  I remember going through a time when I really did not like being a girl at all!  With tree trunk cankles and cabbage patch knees, I never felt like the graceful, dainty, feminine girl I ought to have been.  Yes, I swear this is an actual picture of my legs, haha!  Two of my favorite things as a kid were Cabbage Patch dolls and Barbie.  Although I did not really play with Barbie much, I collected her and have been a Barbie collector most of my life!  Of the two I always felt I related better to the pudgey Cabbage Patch doll, haha!  Barbie has always been this representation of feminism, a feminist icon in a sense.  She sends girls around the world the message that she can do anything, be anything, and encourages all girls to follow their dreams.  Women can rule the world, be successful, and do anything a man can do!  At the same time though, she has contributed to the ongoing concept of se...

I Love You First

I love Disney movies!  They are all the same, in a way, but the happily ever after is always satisfying!  The Little Mermaid and Aladdin were two of my favorites!  I have always enjoyed a good love story no matter how cheesy it is!  What is it about love stories that we like?  The chase, the moment of change in individuals and relationships, the happiness, the overcoming of a trial, or maybe the romance. In a movie you have the opening image which is life as they know it. Then there is a catalyst which throws the main character out of their comfort zone and in there is a meet cute.  The meet cute is the fun, creative way that 2 characters meet and a relationship begins to develop.  Then there is the "fun and games" part of the movie which is a sequence that shows the "falling in love" part of the story.  Let's not forget the all important "all is lost" moment or as some might call it "bad guys closing in".  This is the opposition or t...