
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Balloon

There once was a boy just older than two His favorite toy was a balloon With other toys he wanted nothing more to do How he loved the shiny light heart to the moon How the balloon made him giggle How the balloon made him swoon Every time he saw it it made him wiggle How precious, how loved was the dear balloon   One day, Dad had a bad day The stress so insistent, built and built Frustration always in the way Oh how this day was the cause of great guilt When Dad blew his top The Balloon was his victim The boy witnessed the grand pop For on this day Dad held little wisdom Broken was the balloon Broken was the sweet boy Broken was Dad that afternoon As they laid to rest joy and the beloved toy A little poem I wrote about an event that took place in our home about 8 months ago.  Have you ever intentionally or unintentionally taken someone's joy?  Have you ever regretted the way you treated someone?  I must say, I have!...

Why I stayed

With the passing of the Semi-annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I have seen comments and discussion on social media regarding why many saints leave the church.  After learning why some have left in recent years and thinking back on past discussions with others who have left in the past, I have been compelled to ask myself the question, Why have I stayed?  Why do I not share the view points and perceptions of those who left?  I too know about the many controversies in the church's history and indeed there are things that have been said and done in the past that I have not agreed with.  I too have gone through trying times and periods of great doubt even wanting nothing to do with God's sacred institution of marriage!  Why is it then that I have chosen to stay every time?  Some might suggest I have been duped, that I have been brainwashed, that I have not researched enough of church history to drive me away, that I...