
Showing posts from 2020

Be Of Good Cheer

Have you ever seen a flower poke up in a crack in the cement, or grow up in an unlikely place, like gravel?  This, to me, is like what Pres. Oaks is talking about.  I'm sure its terribly difficult for that flower to grow in an unlikely or infertile place, but life usually finds a way!  The first thing that came to mind was something my mother has told me repeatedly throughout my life, "grow where you are planted!"  This piece of wisdom is something I strive to live by.  My whole childhood I watched her struggle in a very difficult marriage and even though I saw her tears more than I wanted, she really always found a way to be happy and cheerful.  Most people that knew her then and know her now would say she is one of the cheeriest, happiest and cutest people they have met!  I think her secret was that she always found ways to serve others.     Her situation was never ideal, but she made the most of it!  My situation is also not idea...

Behind The Mask

  I did not realize, until very recently, how this pandemic has affected me.  Yes, there has been a lot of feelings....... sadness, empathy, anger, frustration, peace, hope, and probably some others.  It has been a roller coaster.  I think I have just been trying to live life as normally as possible and I have ignored some of the things that have changed, for me.  I have locked away some of the emotions I have felt, at times, because I don't want to feel them.  Then I have ignored other things around me because I simply don't want to know.  What can I say, ignorance is bliss.  I have had intense moments of fear for the future, but I have also had overwhelming feelings of hope and peace through it all.   A few weeks ago when listening to the Zoom Sunday School meeting in my ward, it hit me!  I almost did not want to listen because I just did not want to hear people talk about the pandemic, and truthfully there was a part of me that d...

"Let Not Thy Heart Be Troubled"

I have taken a little break from writing because as you all probably know and feel, the world crumbling around us as of late.  I have had many emotions, frustrations and even anger!  I have had a very difficult time processing everything that has been said, done and everything that has been going on.  I have dealt with my own personal losses and have been trying to dig my way out of this very deep, dark hole I have been thrust in, that we have all been thrust in.  Just like the moon peers through the dark night or the clouds split allowing light to flood through, I too have felt a flooding in of Christ's light and love.  I have seen a lighthouse directing my storm driven path.  Even the storm driven path, no matter how uncertain, can be guided by light. After three and a half years of healing from the many anxieties and even personal issues I have had with health care providers, doctors, child birth, etc, getting my body to a healthy place, being able to fi...

Humanity the Beautiful

Since mid March I have seen many beautiful things and many very ugly things.  It has been joyous and it has been sad.  Opposition in all things, right?  Opposition is good, if there was no opposition we would not know much would we?  We would know little about love and hate, happiness and sadness, pain and pleasure, virtue and vice, good and evil and freedom and bondage.  I'm not sure about you, but I have learned a great deal about freedom and bondage over the last month.  I believe there are two types of people in this world ones that can learn from the mistakes of others and those that have to learn for themselves.  Some people can look at others and say "I do not want to go through that" so they avoid choices that will lead them down a particular path.  Some people just have to experience the hardship in order to learn the lesson.  These people often times do this unknowingly or they somehow think " I won't make that mistake because som...

A Prepper's Guide to the Apocalypse

You might be a Prepper if.......... You have enough bags of rice and beans to make a makeshift bed for a guest.😁 You keep every plastic container, plastic bag, and rubber band you come across.😕 You wash disposable dishes.😒 You have a book called Herbal Drugstore and you know what herbs to plant in your yard to treat sickness.  "Don't forget the medicine of your ancestors".  I heard this on the radio recently, not bad advice.🌿 You learn all you can about essential oils.🍶 You know what vitamins are present in which foods and you have ample supply of those.🍎 You think about the way you use toilet paper.....Are you a crumpler or a folder!  No joking, when the toilet paper shortage hit I walked through the door and my husband said, "you might have to become a folder, hahahaha!"💩😮😂 You enjoy cooking classes that show you how to prepare your food storage food (Freeze dried and dehydrated foods).🍔 You know what freeze dried and dehydrated foo...