Could You Imagine.......?

 I love baking and if I had my own business it would be a bakery!  Could you imagine that I start my own bakery where I would make and sell items like French macarons, sugar candies, cake pops, cream puffs, trifle, pies, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, and pastries.  I would NOT provide services like making wedding cakes or personalized party cakes and treats.  I would simply make goods in my bakery and sell them directly to customers. What you see is what you get!  Upon arriving to purchase some sweet treats I give you a survey.  This survey has to be completed before any transaction can take place.......Not only that, but I would decide what you could buy, if anything, based on your answers.  The questions could include, but are not limited to.......

What's your email address?

What's your phone number?

What's your address?

Do you have any allergies? If so, what are they?

Do you have any sensitivities? If so, what are they?

Do you have any aversions or preferences?  Tell me about them, if any.

Do you own a gun?  If so, how long have you had it?

Do you have any phobias? If so, what are they?

Do you have diabetes?

What countries have you traveled to in the last year?

Have you given blood recently?

Do you have heart disease or a history of it?

Do you get migraines?

Are you on medication?  If yes, what are they?

What is your ethnicity?

What languages do you speak?

Are you gay or transgender?

What is your monthly income?

Are you married?

Where do you work?

Do you belong to a religion? If so what is it?

Do you donate to charities?  If so, which ones?

Who did you vote for last election?

Do you have any debt?

Can I see your photo ID?

Can I get your social security number?

Have you ever bought goods from any other bakery in the area?

Are you vaccinated?

Do you drive a car or a truck?

Do you recycle?

Do you use air conditioner?  If so what's your average monthly bill?

Do you have a bike?

What's the square footage of your house?

What's your monthly water bill?

How often do you see your doctor?

How often do you get sick?

How much water do you drink?

When was your last menstrual cycle?

Are you on birth control?

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

Have you had an abortion, or thought of having one?

Are you a political activist of any kind?

Do you like police?

How often do you exercise and what kind of exercise do you do?

What's your retirement account look like?

What do you invest in, if anything?

Men: Boxers or briefs? Women: bra or no bra?


Dogs or cats?

Now I know what you're thinking.....I sound like a college student doing research......trying to interview for a new bestie, haha........a stalker?.........a medical application to be admitted to the hospital?...........the NSA data collection center? How is any of this the business of a local baker???? "I assure you though, this is all for your own safety, I have your best interests at heart!"  How long would it take before you just walked away?  

How many of you would be appalled by any of those questions?  How many of you would be okay with answering even a few of those questions just to buy a donut?  Just stop and think for a minute of all the ways I could discriminate.  I think I just about covered most groups or individuals I could discriminate against with those questions, right?  Please let me know if I left you out!  What kind of crimes could I commit with even a little of that information?  More importantly you would be placing authority in my hands to decide for you (or discriminate) what is best to put into your body.  "It's just your health status, it's just your phone number, it's just your social security number, who cares about that anymore.....everyone already has it, right?  It's just a little personal information, if you have nothing to hide, then what's the issue, dear???"

I would imagine some of my conversations or responses to these answers might go something like this.......

"Trust me if you have diabetes or heart disease, I got here just in time, someone should have intervened long ago.  How is someone else's diabetes affecting my health, you might ask?  Well your health care, or rather sick care is driving costs up: insurance costs, hospital costs, devices and medication costs. I in turn have to work longer and harder to pay for my increased insurance costs!  So you want a cream puff, really???? Sorry, NO!" 

"Excessive hospital stays by heart patients are also driving up costs!  Your family has a history of heart disease?  I'm sorry I'm gonna have to refuse your business too."

"Oh you're gay, that's against my religion, sorry, can't sell to you!"

"You are Jewish?  Oh my best friend back in the day was Jewish, stole my boyfriend, sorry you're out!"

"You're a Baptist? Well they don't like Mormons, so sorry can't serve you either.......BIGOT!!"

"You only exercise twice a week?  Sorry my minimum requirement is 5 times a week to eat sugar!"

"You see your doctor once a year, wow that's too much?  Driving up costs, and besides I hate doctors!!!"

"You don't recycle?  You sicken me!"

"You smoke? And drive a truck?!? Do you have any idea what that's doing to the environment?  You are disgusting?"

"Oh you're a republican?  And you're a Democrat?  Hate em both, get out!"

"You went to that protest downtown last weekend?  How dare you?"

"You only make $2000 a month....... And have no retirement?  Do you really think you should be in a bakery right now???"

"I'll need proof of your social security number and tax return because I only sell to tax paying citizens, why?  Well I have to pay them so anyone I sell to better be paying them too!!!!!"

"You don't invest in Black owned businesses?  YOU RACIST!!"

"You don't speak English? Sorry can't understand you!"

"You look a little overweight, how about a jog AROUND my bakery instead?!? Don't let your butt hit my door on the way out!"

"You're Chinese?  Wasn't covid from China?  I don't think so, there's the door!"

"Your water bill is what?!?!  I'm afraid that's having a negative effect on all of us here in the 2nd DRYEST STATE IN THE USA! oh you said it's for your grass?  You are so selfish!!!  I can't even look at you right now!"

"Oh I see you bought from the bakery across town, that's discrimination, I should sue!"

"You don't have a bike.......AND you don't wear a bra??? LAZY!"

"You have a dog? I'm more of a cat person myself!"

"So, you're not FULLY vaccinated, you walking petri dish of disease!...... I just wonder how many people you've killed!"

"I'll need your email and phone number so I can send you more advertisements for my wonderful, amazing, all inclusive bakery!!!  Tell all your friends!! Goodbye now, you have a great day now!"................................

................................................................. ... . ... ..  . . .   .  .   .   .    .    .      .     .     .         .          .           .

I know this seems like a really extreme example, but maybe not too far off.......depends on where you've been and what you've experienced, I guess.  How many out there think I would be a successful business woman?  If I said even a few of those things at my current place of employment I would easily be fired!  Can you see the blatant hypocrisy in this hypothetical self I've created?  I'd also like to point out the very direct discrimination based on my own supposed (this isn't my real self, remember) aversions, preferences, religion, phobias, and opinions, etc. very hypocritical and judgemental! I've somehow given myself the authority to tell you what you can put in your body based on YOUR bias, fears, aversions, health and opinions! How many of you would put up with it? How many of you would run a business like this?  Discrimination,  judgement, and hate, unfortunately don't pay the bills in the private sector free market; ANYONE'S money is good enough for you; the bills don't discriminate! Somehow the government can afford it though!?!?  Anyone else see something wrong with this?  Kind of like how the government can print endless amounts of money, but you or I would go to prison for doing so .....well maybe that explains this somewhat dichotomous anomaly, or as I like to call it....BULL$#!/!  

If we would not be willing to put up with the above questions just to get our sweet tooth fix, then why are we even considering it with regard to the covid vaccine????  We suddenly erased everyone's immune system????  We have lived a very long time with and without vaccines.  Unvaccinated people are not some walking diseased zombie. Now the zombie apocalypse will be brought about by the unvaccinated..........I don't know if you heard, but, YOU CAN STILL BE HEALTHY IF YOU DONT GET THE won't become a zombie, you probably won't die either!  

To deny people God given rights, human rights, Constitutional rights because they make a personal decision to not take the jab, is absolutely absurd!!  I'm not here to bash vaxxers or anti vaxxers, deny "science", argue masks or vaccines, just here to make a point about how wrong this idea is!  What happened to social justice for the minority groups and individuals??  What happened to all the environmentalists when the oceans were filling up with all of our masks??  At one point I read there were more masks in the ocean than jelly fish.  What happened to "my body my choice" pro choicers???? What happened to the entire LGBTQ+ community fighting for rights of acceptance, to be who they are, etc????  All of the sudden because it's about a vaccine, all that goes out the window????  I hear "but it's for the safety of others, you could kill someone!"  I'd like to point out....... have we ever cared about masks and vaccines to this extent with the flu, the swine flu, the bird flu???  A big resounding NO! I'm not saying don't be careful, don't be considerate of others, or don't take any precaution, but is it possible that there could be more to this than meets the eye?  I would say yes and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it!  We are talking about vaccine Passports!  Government says "fall in line"  and we all go "okay"??  What the He//!?  I realize this hasn't happened yet, but will we let it?  The fact that we are even considering it, is barbaric!  We have allowed the fear to degrade us so much we are willing to accept soviet union style rule.....did we just hop in a time machine back to pre Nuremberg trial Nazi Germany!!  How does anyone justify such a thing? 

I hear "vaccines don't violate Nuremberg trials"  by USA today fact checkers, hahaha hahaha!  They do when they are mandated, they do when they are not fully and ethically studied, they do when not all the information is released to the public, they do when informed consent is stripped from all human beings!  This is a human rights issue! How do you qualify to be a fact checker anyway, pass a lie detector test when you are lying?? Haha! The "one size fits all" method is my main issue with vaccines.  No, one size doesn't fit all!  When you get a prescription what does the doctor say?  "If you experience any side effects or have any allergies we can change the prescription."  There are options! There actually used to be more options as far as how you could take the vaccines.  In the late 80s and early 90s they introduced the cocktail vaccines, these are the ones I had reactions to, but back then you could still separate them  out and take the individual ones.  I had a reaction to the pertussis in the TDAP or DTAP, whatever it is.  The doctor was able to give me smaller doses of the others without the cocktail.  Last I heard, and I could be wrong, but I don't think they make the individual ones anymore, it's only the cocktails.  Maybe they are still available for some situations, I don't know.  Yes you have the choice between manufacturers, but most vaccines are pretty close to the same in their ingredients and processes.  There really isn't a lot of diversity in this market.  It is up to us to create the diversity in this market of preventative care; its up to you to take care of yourself.  Believe it or not, there are ways to strengthen the immune system!  

Everyone's immune system is the same in theory, but in reality they are vastly different.  This is why vaccines can have different effects on people, less of an effect, no effect at all, or side effects.  If immune systems were all the same then why allergies, why intolerances, why auto immune disorders????  The immune system originates in the gut, we all have different gut health.  Gut health has a lot to do with the immune system.  If you want references on these claims I will tell you to do your own research on that!  

Now you might have this impression that I'm a crazy anti vaxxer, well I'm not, that's my husband, haha!........I would say I'm pro do your own research and evaluate according to your health and needs.  Regardless of what you believe about vaccines, this should always be a personal choice just like Tylenol vs. Ibproufen, antibiotics vs. Natural remedy, or medical vs. Chiropractic vs. Homeopathic, etc.  I have had success with all of these, but I prefer ibproufen, natural remedies, when they work, and chiropractors or homeopathic medicine.  "Those are quacks", you might say, but that's for me to evaluate isn't it?  If they help improve my health then what's the problem?  Vaccines are not an absolute in preventative care, so why do we treat them as such???  They are not the ONLY preventative care out there.  Like I said before, the diversity on this market lies with you.  You have to find out what works best for you.  In my case taking a vaccine could provide me some benefit at the cost of some long term or short term side effect, it could give me something negative I have to deal with for the rest of my life.  Same goes for antibiotics.  They are beneficial, but at the cost of your gut health, and in turn maybe your immune system.  It is important to heal the gut after a round of antibiotics.  Sometimes they are necessary and could save your life.  If you can get by without an antibiotic, it would probably be wise.  It's good to find your own options sometimes.  It's good to listen to your body and find what it needs.

So back to my fake bakery......I could sell to whoever I want.  As a business owner I have the right to refuse anyone I want.  You don't have to consent to my ridiculous questions, you can walk away.  What if the government got rid of all other bakeries and bought a large share in mine?  Well I guess you could choose to never go to a bakery again!  What if the government mandated everyone go to my bakery everyday for a daily dose of coffee, tea, or water and all choices are spiked with a drug, say heroin?  When does the government cross a line, in your mind?  They force little by little until they are literally pumping your body full of something.  Who cares how they justify it or how they get the masses to believe it's for their good, ITS STILL WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear, "well there are consequences to your actions"!  So why is it okay to let the government impose whatever consequences they wish to implement?  There are natural consequences and there are consequences that are imposed by others.  If you pay attention to anything in government you'll notice that the government is the law maker, the enforcer, the victim, and the prosecutor. Is this right, fair, or Constitutional?  It sounds like we just can't handle our own problems and always need the government to do it for us.

Let's give a few more "could you imagine" really drive this point.....

Could you imagine going to the grocery store or a restaurant and have to be weighed, blood pressure taken and vitals checked before you could shop or eat..........

Imagine having a disabled child and not being allowed to take them anywhere for fear that it scares too many people.......your child is blamed for driving away business..........

Imagine if owning a gun meant the same thing as murder and you couldn't vote, own land, or have a job......No victim, no crime.....but we will still punish you just because!

Imagine not being able to vote, own land , or have certain jobs just because you're a woman.......

Imagine being segregated based on your skin color.........or vaccine status.......

Imagine if you are knowingly deathly allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine, but you're going to lose your job if you don't get it.....or you can't buy groceries without your trusty new passport.  If they would make an exception then they will say "prove it"! Now how are you gonna prove it?  Government's going to create a TSA sort of team to be in every store and business to check that your "signed by a doctor" (who are also the government now) exception is authentic?  How much time is this going to add to your shopping trip?  Or would they just say, "your life doesn't matter, we don't care, better to decrease the surplus population"  as famous Ebeneezer would say?

Imagine not being able to buy, sell or trade because your loyalties are not to the global powers.....aka vaccine can have some freedoms after you get the passport.  If you can't read this without getting outraged, or not able to stop and think about this and consider for a minute, let's have a moment of silence for the death of your mind and maybe your soul.................................................



Some of these examples might sound crazy.....some might sound familiar because we have already trudged that dark path.  So, why do we want to do this again?  Because of fear of a virus that most of us have a 99% chance of surviving probably without being hospitalized.  Again, not saying we should not protect the vulnerable, but give up all our agency, liberty, jobs, economy, everything, and put our entire life in the hands of bureaucrats?????  I'm not deathly allergic, as far as I know, to any ingredient, but I have had severe reactions to vaccines before.  So it does pose a risk to my life, or my quality of life, yet I'm expected to play Russian Roullette with my health and my life because someone says so?  I guess that's appropriate, we are looking more like USSR every day!  Do you think it fair I lose my job because I know what's best for my own health better than the government or medical industry? Your health is your own personal choice and only you should be able to make decisions about your health, it is your responsibility to know what's best for you.  I'm the only one living in my body, "I'm sorry, were you going to take up my body for rent???" Again sounds insane!  I know disease and sickness is transmissible, not saying you shouldn't do anything to protect yourself and others, just saying medical mandates are wrong!  Am I being overly dramatic and extreme, maybe a little, but mandates are extreme!  Isn't it appropriate to be extreme here?

If you are reading this and think you need to send me the hundreds of studies about masks, covid, and the vaccine, please don't, save your energy for something more productive.  I work in the medical industry.  I do understand biology, chemistry and the body, I've heard all of that stuff over and over a million times in the last year and a half.  The point of this blog is not to argue the approved science vs....... other science on vaccines, masks or covid.  The point is to, hopefully, shed light on this idea of allowing a government take over of the last bastian of freedom in this life, your very body!  It's to point out the hypocrisy, discrimination and hate that is stirring the global pot on this subject.  We are being divided and conquered, beat down until we can't stand any longer!

I'm not here to tell you how to think or what to think, I'm telling you to JUST THINK FOR YOURSELF!   I don't care if you want to wear a mask, I don't care if you get or don't get the vaccine!  I don't care what you believe about any of it, but I do care what you believe about your rights, my rights, human rights! Think about what's right and wrong, think about how you treat others.  

I've also heard, from doctors and nurses, "I have a RIGHT to go to work and not see people die of car accidents, flu, covid and other diseases!"  Do you really?  How many of you out there would be on board with this......."So because you believe in this right, we should give you the power to mandate vaccines, or other medications and procedures, get rid of motor vehicles, and be in charge of our diet?" Sounds absurd, right?  Sounds like you need to find a new job!  It's like if a cop were to say "I have the right to not be around danger, criminals, violence, or guns"!  Well, that's right, buddy, but you made a conscious choice to go into that profession knowing full well what you were getting into.  It's also like knowing your significant other for years, but once you're married you expect them to be a different person!  This logic guessed it, I'm going to use that word again......RIDICULOUS!  We all have choices!  Because you can't handle your choices you have to MAKE UP some fantastical "right", so you can take control of or blame others for everything wrong in your life?  The world would be a better place if we respected one another's agency!  

So as my hypothetical bakery begins to tank I would whine about how it's my right to make a decent living, but to also be free of those who disagree with me, offend me, or do things I don't like!  So I reject their business and money because I'm CRAZY, then blame them all because my business is tanking?????!!!!  Are you catching my drift here?  The government claims the vaccine to be 95% effective and still effective against variants so we will all line up to get it.  At the same time claim we need 100% vaccination rate in addition to masks and lock downs, again.  What happened to "get the vaccine so we can get rid of the mask"?  "Oh wait, the vaccine actually doesn't protect against getting infected or spreading covid and it's variants, so sorry, you still have to wear the mask!" They want to say the vaccine is the cure all, but still keep us in masks and locked down!  Sounds like the government just can't seem to give up their control on one side or the other; they want their cake and eat it too!  Well I say "LET THEM EAT CAKE!"  as Marie Antoinette put it! I don't think it's too crazy to ask "why is our world looking more and more like our favorite dystopian novel?"

Oh, how did those down below get there????? Oh yeah, that was real life, huh............So why did I include a Christmas Carol?  Dickens wrote about real life.  I will refer you back to my blog post "The Man Who Invented Christmas".

There has been many times in the past when humans needed to come together, unite and stand for freedom.  I think we know what's happened when people have not done that.  Need I remind you the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.  How many times must we hand over more and more power to governments and think it will have a different outcome than what's in the history books?  Why do we think that the giving up of freedom will result in more freedom?  If there ever was a time to unite and stand for your freedom and agency, it's now!  Teach correct principles and let's govern ourselves to the fullest extent that we can.  I'm not calling for out right no government, but "We the People"  need to assume our role and responsibility in the government in order to restrain, check, and balance the government!  The proper role of our Republic according to the constitution is to protect rights, not take them away.  The very definition of liberty: 

the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

With this comes responsibilities and one of those is to respect the agency of others, in other words STAY OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS!  You can read the constitution and study our founders and make up your own mind about how to interpret what the government can and cannot do.  That's a topic for another day and I'm not going argue that right now!

My personal belief is that agency is the most important gift from God, second only to the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Wasn't agency a huge part of bringing about the Atonement?  Can't have one without the other.  If you don't believe in that, then I also believe that it is natural for man to be free, there is a yearning for it.  Human kind throughout history has sought for freedom. If it's not a religious or spiritual thing for you then believe it is a part of nature as a whole and human nature in general.  I believe in the spiritual and religious link that God made us this way and meant for us to be free.  God gave His Son for the agency of man and provided a bridge for us to get back to Him and every opportunity to choose Him.  

If something is a good idea you usually don't have to coerce or force it on people..........the models always look good, but the reality never turns out how you expect!  Just think and consider before you ask the government to make your birthday cake, hahaha!   Just my opinion, you don't have to agree with me.......go ahead.......let the government make your cake, but chances are they WILL probably eat it too!!!


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