
Showing posts from 2019

Christmas Crutches

Can you remember what you asked Santa for when you were a kid?  I can remember a few things, TV, dolls, Disney play sets, easy bake oven, and Polly pocket.  Were you spoiled at Christmas time, or was it more modest?  I can definitely say I was spoiled at Christmas time, maybe not every year, but there were some years I got quite a haul.  Did the real spirit of Christmas stay alive despite your level of spoil?  It is interesting to me that most Christmases of my past I don't remember everything I received, but I do remember the service of giving to others that my family did each year.  Even though I was quite spoiled it was balanced with service and kind acts at that time of year.  I always remember delivering my Mom's hot, fresh out of the oven rolls with homemade jam to all of the neighbors.  I remember delivering my widowed neighbor's sweet roll desert to all of the neighbors at Christmas time.  I remember trying to find someone who neede...

The Man Who Invented Christmas

We can probably all remember watching our favorite version of A Christmas Carol when we were kids, or maybe you have one now that you watch with your family.  I remember A Christmas Carol always being a wonderful part of our Christmas celebration when I was growing up.  The George C. Scott version was a little scary for me when I was young, but I love it now, actually I think I love all of the versions I have seen.  It just wasn't Christmas without the Muppets musical version or the creepy George C. Scott version.  A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, THE ghost story of Christmas is my favorite book of all time!  Why is this such a beloved story?  For some, me, Christmas season cannot begin without the reading or watching of it.  There is undoubtedly something for everyone, love, ghosts, good vs. evil, redemption, miracles, charity, hope, it completely embodies everything that Christmas is and should be about.  In my opinion, Dickens was bril...

Frozen Too

Have you become Frozen 2 by the Frozen phenomenon?  Haha!  I have, did not intend to or expect to, but here I am!  You might ask "Why is Frozen 2 the number 1 movie in the world?", or "Why did Frozen 2 break all the box office records?"  First of all kids love it!  They loved the first one and Frozen became an obsession in every household that had children!  It had great messages throughout the movie as well as great music and humor.  It was also popular with the older crowd because Disney finally ditched the damsel in distress routine in a way and pointed out the absurdity of the true love at first sight notion that governed so many past Disney movies.   They made the characters more realistic, they made love more realistic.  There has also been a great deal of hype surrounding the possibility of Elsa getting a girlfriend, which was the hope for many in the LGBTQ crowd.  After Frozen debuted in 2013 there were many articles out t...

There Really Is A Santa Claus

That time of year has approached yet again!  It's also a time of year for great debate!  I always hear complaints and comments about when Christmas music should be played.  I get made fun of for listening to it after Halloween.  I get accused for not giving Thanksgiving the fair chance it deserves, haha!  I mean it's a touchy subject that people get very passionate about!  Well, Christmas music is my favorite and Christmas time is my favorite time of year!  This statement however, does not justify or really tell the true story of my feelings for Christmas!  There are no words to describe how much I truly LOVE Christmas!  Every year I hear about how I am worshiping the Pagan Gods because I have a Christmas tree, candy canes, decorations, music, and I believe in Santa Clause!  "These evil traditions should be banned", blah, Blah, BLAH, BLAH!!! "LIGHTEN UP, it does not have to be so wretched and dismal", that's what I say in response to t...

The Bubble

"Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone."-Neale Donald Walsch "When was the last time you did something for the first time?"-Anonymous "The shell must break before the bird can fly"-Alfred Tennyson "The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears"-Dan Stevens "I'm continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone.  As long as you're uncomfortable, it means you're growing"- Ashton Kutcher Are you your harshest critic? Are you harder on yourself than anyone else? I think most of us are and I think it is a natural tendency of our human nature. How many times do I look at a creatively decorated cake and say "wow, I can't do that"? I become pleasantly surprised when I actually do try it and it's not a complete failure! This topic ca...

The Balloon

There once was a boy just older than two His favorite toy was a balloon With other toys he wanted nothing more to do How he loved the shiny light heart to the moon How the balloon made him giggle How the balloon made him swoon Every time he saw it it made him wiggle How precious, how loved was the dear balloon   One day, Dad had a bad day The stress so insistent, built and built Frustration always in the way Oh how this day was the cause of great guilt When Dad blew his top The Balloon was his victim The boy witnessed the grand pop For on this day Dad held little wisdom Broken was the balloon Broken was the sweet boy Broken was Dad that afternoon As they laid to rest joy and the beloved toy A little poem I wrote about an event that took place in our home about 8 months ago.  Have you ever intentionally or unintentionally taken someone's joy?  Have you ever regretted the way you treated someone?  I must say, I have!...