Grow where you are planted

Well Hello All!  My name is Haley and I decided to start blogging because I see so much negativity everywhere and I don't want to be part of it!  I want to spread positivity in any way I can.

No matter what your beliefs, religious or other, you are a daughter of God!  I believe we are all  children of a loving creator!  You are welcome to partake and participate in the positivity I hope to emanate here!

We are all daughters and women and I want to celebrate that!  We are powerful and have the ability to empower others and change the world for good!

Today I was thinking about my job and the way I was raised.  I was raised in a very traditional and some may call it old fashioned, household.  Mom stays home with kids and Dad works and supports the family financially.  I always thought this was the ideal situation.  I am a member of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it is taught that that is the ideal situation.  By ideal I don't mean perfect, just so you know, nothing is ever perfect!

I was never really sure if I would marry and have children.  As a young adult the Prophet of the Church counseled women constantly about getting an education and being actively engaged in your communities.  "You just never know what will happen" they counseled.  Smart advice, very true, they also said "many of you will not have the opportunity to marry."  So, there i was, not sure if I wanted to get married or if I would have the opportunity.  I thought, if I do get married, I will have kids and be a stay at home mom because that's what Utah women did, and what they are supposed to do.

Haha that is not what happened.  My life took a different turn, unexpected.  I'm sure that happens to most of us in life.  Life takes us somewhere we don't want to go.  I went to school, graduated, but not when I wanted to.  When I had enough credits to graduate, SUU served me papers, graduation papers that is! Darn it!! I am a little nerdy and I liked school, I was good at school, I dominated University life!! I was in the middle of exploring the possibility of studying Marine Biology and going to UC Santa Cruz.  "Oh well, I guess I'll graduate then" I said even though I had no idea what I was going to do!  Find a job, that was the goal, no matter what kind of job it was! My domination of University life was over, but not before I graduated at the top of my class in Biology, WITH HONORS!  But real life was coming AHHHH!  I had no idea what to do.  

I kind of just ended up at this place called ARUP Laboratories at the University of Utah and I have been here for over 10 years now as a medical technologist.  Even after starting to work at ARUP, I had a little crisis and started looking at law school, teaching, physical therapy school..........Choices, Choices, AHHHH what am I doing, what do I want to do?!!  I had a hard time accepting where I was, and why.  I felt like I had to do something greater, bigger, be smarter, and make more money.  Do you ever feel like that?

In hind site I can see the intervention of a divine creator helping me get to this point in my life.  I am in a good spot, married to an amazing man, with 2 of greatest little ones God had to offer, and I'm happy at my job!  It's not MY DREAM job, but A DREAM job!

If I could pick a DREAM job it would be a voice actress, motivational speaker, or owning my own cute little bakery!  While at work I day dream about singing in front of lots of people, being a performer of sorts.  I think about baking and decorating cakes.  Everyday on the drive home I'm either singing along to show tunes pretending it's me up on stage, haha!  If I'm not singing I'm talking to myself creating an amazing monologue, I really should be on the radio!  Yes I talk to myself, I'm not crazy or anything and I figure there's always someone listening to me either God or the Government, oops did I say that?! HAHA!

So why am I happy if I'm not doing what I dream of everyday?  Well my job is pretty good at paying the bills!  I am pretty good at what I do and I do like science.  I'm not a stay at home mom either, how can I be happy, especially in a culture where mom is supposed to stay home?  BOOM, REALITY!!!
Bills have to be paid and mouths have to be fed.  I truly believe that God brought me here, where I am for many reasons.

My experience so far with being a working mom is that I have learned things about myself I don't think I would have discovered otherwise.  It's our experiences and trials, good times and bad that make us who we are.  I would not be me or the person God needs me to be without the opposition.

Women need to feel valued outside the home, that's important.  Women are incredibly valued in every industry out there, they add so much to the work place!

So why am I happy?
"Grow where you are planted, Haley" my mother used to tell me!  Some of the most valuable advice I've ever received.  What does that mean?  To me it means accepting ourselves, situations, flaws, and choosing to be happy.  It means to make the best of our life when we can't control everything that happens to us or around us.  When we do that we can be useful wherever we end up and we can have Joy!

Grow where you are planted and empower yourself!


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